Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The glamorous life of a teacher

December 7-9, 2009. Classes M 5.1-5.12.
Daily objective: describe your favorite animal.

For the most part, the hypothetical "paragraphs" of "full sentences" about favorite animals turned out like this: Favorite animal cat. Pretty. That's gets a student full credit in my class. However, I saved some of the gems for you:

My favorite animal is a rat. Because it is small. It is cute. It is delicious.

My favorite animal dog. I like because friend alone time.

And the kids who own dictionaries:

I lik goldfish: It'is beautiful and adroit.

I would like a shark because them have a teeth danger. But it animal wonderful. It predator bite sed predator bite crocodile. Some scientists belive shark best target predator.

Additionally, I've been really indulging in the mad perks of teaching. Look at these gifts I got from some of my kids today. That bracelet is from a nice girl in one of my 11th grade classes named Fai. I can't so much specify the giver of the apple-looking-things. I was walking past these two cute girls at school and they saw me and practically fell over themselves in their haste to give me the fruit. Maybe I'll eat them for dessert?

So reader, what is your favorite animal?

Teacher Rebecca


Sam said...

my favorite animal is a bear! as i learned in alaska, they're SO cuddly, and not dangerous.